Let's Talk ERP

Monthly Video Webinar Series with Thought Leaders and Influencers

The Inevitability of Industry Disruptions

According to a 2016 Mint Jutras Enterprise Solution Study, 79 per cent of people think there is a low to medium risk for industry disruptions to happen. But, consider what taxi drivers thought before Uber came along, or what cell phone providers thought before WhatsApp. Industry disruptions can happen anytime, anywhere. Is your business ready for these possible disruptions? Will your business survive? You don't want your competitors to take advantage of new technologies before you do.

No matter what industry you are in, the number one defense mechanism is to educate and prepare your company for disruptions. Although about 81 per cent of manufacturers and distributors agree that embracing digital technology and implementing an ERP (enterprise resource management) system will give your company a competitive advantage, 80 to 90 per cent of businesses still rely on manual processes. So, what are you waiting for? The business advantage could be yours or, if you wait, it will become your competitor's.

H​​ow an ERP system can help

ERP systems help to keep all aspects of a business organized, particularly by having an online record of data. However, to keep up with industry disruptions, ERP systems must go beyond simple data records to also discover new business opportunities. With machine learning, ERP systems can look at both structured and unstructured data to deliver the most accurate information to your business.

The world of business is always changing and new discoveries are being made each day. The most important aspect of a business is being proactive when the time comes to seek opportunities and create successes out of them. This is what will make your company unique and ultimately provide it with a competitive edge.

​​​​​​​What's next?

Once you've established that you do require an ERP system for your business, now it's time to determine what kind of system is right for you. Do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for expert advice. Be sure to stay tuned for our upcoming blog post where we will talk about the multitudes of possibilities that come with ERP systems. ERP systems have come a long way so far, and this is only the beginning. There is no time to fall behind! 

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